Our world is complex and fast-changing
To genuinely contribute, we need to develop an authentic and reliable inner compass to find our true path.
I support everyday leaders, in developing their inner capacities and navigational skills to tune into what is calling to emerge from within themselves, and in the world around them, and thus be of service: to life, to others, to the planet.
What wants to emerge from you?

We can choose to live and lead from Within.
As the world turns more unpredictable, there is an increased emphasis on developing our inner capacities: our abilities to access our deeper knowing, intuition, insights and wisdom to respond to situations in our daily lives.
We can develop a reliable inner compass.
Going inwards: This is how we can find ease and clarity for our daily steps, by getting in touch with our inner world, letting ourselves BE, letting others BE. Trusting and accepting that we won’t always know what will happen next.
As more of us reject the busyness, exhaustion, and over-striving approaches to living and working, we are looking for new, more intuitive, heart-based, yet grounded ways to navigate and shape our lives. They allow us to dance with the unknown and navigate ambiguity. They guide us towards what we’re feeling called into, instead of what we should be doing.
Together we can explore what is calling to emerge from within us. We practice being fully present and flexible while increasing our agility, artistry, and resilience.
We can make space for connection.
Yes, connection—to ourselves, to each other, to the planet and the purpose that is calling us. This is how we become more attuned with what wants to emerge, from within us and around us. We can sense the future, bringing our unique gifts in its co-creation.
We create community.
That’s where co-creating a more sustainable future begins. When we feel the profound interconnection between us all. When we practice showing up fully — together.
This takes nurturing our connectional skills such as listening, empathy, trust, compassion, and facilitation which are essential to becoming more effective leaders.
Together, we can cultivate lives forged in meaningful connection, truthfulness, and integrity.
Simple daily practices and rituals can feed us and inspire our contribution to a larger whole. They help us get there.
Is this kind of experience calling you and you want to explore what’s emerging?
The life and
the world that we long for
start from within
Hi there, I´m Fabiola.
I work with heart-centered, purpose-driven people and creative souls to unfold the fullest expression of who we are and share our unique gifts with the world, to make it the beautiful place it is meant to be for all.
A few years ago, I decided to go 100% for my purpose, my calling. The joy of living—leading and working, from within, is what this inner and outer journey has brought me. My most important work.
If you’re ready to LIVE and LEAD with INTENTION, INSIGHT and SOUL —you’ve come to the right place. I’m a caring support on that journey.
Life has taken me on a voyage across 4 continents through different fields of study and work with business and organizations. I am combining this with over 15 years of experience in marketing and leadership development.
I bring my gentle expertise through different programs to serve you on your own path. I make space for care and openness to show up as we truly are and nurture our calling, in order to be of service: to life, to others, to the planet.