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Fabiola works through building relationships of trust not just at a personal level, but also in the methods and processes that are used collectively. In a world where the command and control model of the old world order is disappearing, I believe Fabiola is at the front line of bringing a more compassionate and inclusive work ethic.

Mohan Bhagwandas, Australia/Sri Lanka

Former Acting President and Vice President for, Initiatives of Change International

Fabiola’s ‘DailyLifeCanvas’ is a gentle nudge in our backs, reminding us of our path. It helps to focus on our Work, that which makes us truly alive. It helps to connect to ourselves and to others, to reach out, to start small and big conversations – with ourselves and others. It does not demand a revolution from us, it demands only a commitment to small everyday steps, which in the long run are equal to revolution, which is perhaps the only way to deliberately transform our lives. It provides a framework for a meaningful life, day by day – the framework of a white canvas which we, the creators of our lives, fill in with our plans, achievements, and dreams. Thank you Fabiola for your generous gift!

Tatiana Sokolova, Sweden


Fabiola is deeply committed to support and empower Change Makers in their ability to deliver sustainable impact in the world. As a Change Maker and fellow entrepreneur, Fabiola and I have collaborated on a number of projects and in this process, we have experimented with new ways of creating value and being of service to others. I have come to know Fabiola as somebody who genuinely embraces the inner work needed to BE the change she wants to see in the world.

Mark Vandeneijnde, Switzerland

Co- Founder, BEING at Full Potential

Fabiola has dedicated her life to taking action to bring peace and change for good in the world. I have found her a passionate, inspiring individual willing to take a stand on difficult issues with courage and compassion – showing the utmost integrity in all she does.

Louie Gardiner, United Kingdom

Founding Partner and Managing Director, Potent 6 Ltd

Fabiola is a powerful creator if ever there was one! I’ve seen her go from zero to launch in a few short months, dedicated, clear, powerful and present. She envelops her community with so much love, nourishment, and inspiration, and brings so much energy to everything she does that it invariably lifts, grows wings, and flies. It’s a pleasure and a privilege to spend time with this woman and I very much look forward to seeing what her next creation will be!

Stephanie Lisa Kelly, Belgium

Mentor + Designer for Conscious Leaders, Stephanie Lisa Kelly

Fabiola has a passion and a drive that I find incredibly inspiring and powerful. I love hearing her share her vision and seeing the actual fruits of her labour in the form of the Changemakers Forward community. In every interaction I have with her I can sense her commitment to empowering people and contributing to social change.

Emma Collins UK/Switzlerland

Coach Transformacional, Emma Collins Coaching

Fabiola is an excellent creator of new realities, with a very high level of commitment. She is totally passionate about her fields of interest and has an intercultural background of great value. Fabiola is a person with whom anyone should want to team up with.

María del Corral Londoño, Colombia

Life and Business Coach

Fabiola has been a powerful and enriching life mentor. She directed a leadership program I was part of a few years ago, thanks to which I started my public service career. Thanks to her and to the leadership program she created I am in the position, both personally and professionally, where I am now. Through her accompaniment, I learned that when I transform myself and gain inner strength and peace, there are no obstacles that can stop me from fulfilling my life mission. It all starts within!

Karina Sánchez, México